A Primer on Christianity
The Bible: The Foundational Document of Christianity. The Bible is the most logical place to begin describing Christianity. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God – a special message from God to all people everywhere! This does…

Teach Us To Number Our Days
We may not be wandering in the Sinai wilderness, but our own death and mortality are still worthy of consideration.

Should We Repent of Privilege?
We hear constantly about ‘privilege,’ and the need to ‘repent’ of that privilege. So just what exactly is ‘privilege’? Does it even exist? And how should we respond to our privilege?

Brokenhearted: How Psalm 51 Teaches Us to Mourn Our Sin
How you respond to sin in your life is one of the strongest indicators of your spiritual maturity. Your response also sets your trajectory for spiritual growth or spiritual setback. A biblical response to sin prepares us to move forward, experiencing increased intimacy with God.

Unmoved: How Psalm 15 Clarifies What It Really Means to Follow God
Who are those who will enjoy the fruits of God’s victory over evil? The answer, found in Psalm 15, is those who ‘sojourn’ in his ‘tent’ and ‘dwell’ on his ‘holy hill.’

Imputed Righteousness: The Method of Justification
“The doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ, is a doctrine of great importance…some have called it, the basis of Christianity…” So wrote the Baptist theologian John Gill, at a time when such a statement was relatively uncontroversial within Protestantism. Today the tide is turning, as those within Protestantism are often the first to criticize the validity of justification by the righteousness of Christ.

The Reigning King: How the Second Psalm Gives Hope to God’s People
Glance at the headlines, and you will quickly see that people fight God. It happens all the time. In troubling times like these, we need the truth found in the Book of Psalms.

19 Books from 2019
Every year I do it for you, my dear readers: I head deep into the dangerous world of the library to snatch out the choicest books and introduce you to profound, entertaining, and educational reads. For the last several years I’ve summarized my best reads of the year. This year I’m happy to present to you 19 books from 2019.

Henry Martyn on Union with Christ
If Christ was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5), we can learn to say to our Lord, like David, “the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.”

Timothy Talks: Does Jesus Know?
We know that Jesus is the divine God-man, but how can He say that He doesn’t know certain things? Why is Jesus presented in the Bible as an individual with human frailties?