Timothy Talks: Mardi Gras Evangelism Recap
Today Daniel shares stories from his recent evangelism outreach at Mardi Gras. We talk about event evangelism, how theology shapes evangelism, and what we can all take away from this outreach.

What Do You Even Believe???
A disciple is committed to a life of learning from the Master. Why are there so many ‘disciples,’ but so few who have learned from the Master?

Satanology 101 (Part 2)
Satan is a personal being, the god of this world. He actively does evil in the world. These are discouraging truths, but there is more to the story. Satan has his limitations.

Satanology 101 (Part 1)
Who is Satan? A red figure with a pointed tail and horns? An evil ‘force’ or ‘principle’ that exists in the world? Fortunately, we aren’t left in the dark. The Bible gives many details about this mysterious being.

Welcome to Timothy Talks!
I’m thrilled to announce Timothy Talks, and I’m sure you’re going to enjoy it. Timothy Talks is a podcast on theology, history, worldview, and Scripture that is both entertaining and equipping, inspirational and informational…

Jonathan’s Robust View of God
God is big. He cares for us. He doesn’t need us, but He is willing to use us to accomplish his merciful intentions. This is the truth that Jonathan, the friend of King David, believed with all his heart. Jonathan…

We Need a Bigger View of God
What do you need if you want to advance in your Christian life? Some people would suggest a theological book, a good church, more time in the Bible, or listening to more sermons and Christian music. Any or all of those…

What You Think About God Determines Who You Are
Whether you are an atheist, an agnostic, a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist, or anything else, the statement holds true: what you think about God determines who you are. Just by knowing your theology (beliefs about God), I know plenty…

The Theology of Work: Work in the Christian Vision
The Thessalonian epistles are a treasure-trove of biblical teaching on work. In the first epistle, Paul lays out his vision of the Christian life; in the second, he illustrates it. Click here to view part one – The Theology of…

The Theology of Work: Glorifying God through Work
Paul’s epistles carry on the thread of Biblical teaching. Throughout the Pauline corpus, work is seen as a special way to glorify God. This article does not address all of Paul’s thoughts on work, but it deals specifically with the…