The Theology of Work: Work in the Torah
Is work simply a means to creating prosperity, a task to be rushed through only for its benefits? Or is work part of the created order, a divine commission for man? “The Theology of Work” examines the Scriptural teaching and…

Welcome, Darwin, to Your World
Welcome, Darwin, to your world. Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities unhindered by the impossible; a world of astonishing physical prosperity, social engineering, and utilitarian philosophy. Yes, this is your world: a world where we can make any choices…

Departing the Camp
Modern Jerusalem looks nothing like the City of David in the time of Jesus. Today it is a bustling metropolis, complete with high-rise apartment buildings, sprawling suburbs, and densely-packed roadways. Yet Zion was once contained within walls. Outside the walls,…

Electronics and Social Media: Power Tools for Good or Bad
I knew it wouldn’t be good when my friend said he wanted to play with the chainsaw. Starting it up with a roar, he smiled as the tool vibrated in his hands. He started out carefully, cutting through some loose…

The Earth is Full of Thy Mercy
When I think of the modern world, it is easy to be pessimistic. Outside the western world – and even within it – there is trouble, poverty, and chaos. Trouble in the World The third world, and much of the…

My Journey to Minimalism
The first job I ever worked was in security. I wasn’t guarding a nuclear power plant or high-security building. Instead, I sat at a marble desk nodding to guests at a retirement home. I know – it is not your…

Let Go of the Beam!
The gymnast clings, apparently terrified, to the balance beam. A moment ago, when the competition began, she ran to the beam and jumped on it. But now, with arms and legs wrapped in a death grip around the beam, she…

They Desire A Better Country
Jesus described the last times as a scene of “people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world.”[1] Recent events seem to confirm this: terrorism in France, unrest in Turkey, and murder in America are…

What is Art?
I’m pleased to present another guest post from my sister, Amy. Previously, she wrote an excellent article on the importance of art in a Biblical worldview. Today she continues the discussion by bringing a definition of art. Be sure to…

Attempting Great Things
We live in an age of great things – of space stations that orbit the globe, of high-tech medical robots, of multi-million dollar budgets. The modern world is bursting with initiative and impressive projects, whether 35-mile tunnels under mountains or elaborate…