An Open Letter to President Biden
Four years ago, on the inauguration of President Trump, I penned An Open Letter to President Trump; this year, I continue the tradition with a similar letter to President Biden.
Dear Mr. President:
Congratulations to you for your successful campaign. You have received a place of high responsibility in our country, as President of the United States of America. I congratulate you on this new role. It is my prayer that God would bless our country under your administration, and that He would provide you with the constant wisdom and discernment necessary to lead an immense nation.
In your recent speech, on inauguration day, you spoke of the need for unity in these divided times. You promised to be a president for all Americans, even those who did not vote for you. I appreciate that sentiment and look forward to seeing your leadership and guidance.
One of the most important questions for America right now is the question, “What is the basis of our unity?” Americans disagree over many things, but I believe that we can find unity on three essential truths. I urge you to preside over our country – and foster unity – by pursuing these three truths.
First, we can all agree that we are a nation of laws, governed by a Constitution. Over the previous year, we have seen violence and chaos from both sides of the political spectrum. While we all agree that our country can improve, the proper approach is to work for change within the law. When some Americans were concerned about election integrity, they were able to express their concerns, backed by any evidence they had, in the court of law. This is how a healthy Republic functions. Now, as you administer this country, please apply these laws equally to all, without regard for an individual’s skin color or political ideology.
Second, we are a country that acknowledges that individuals have self-evident rights. This thinking lies behind both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution; it is foundational for how we think about justice. I ask you to uphold these God-given rights, to the full extent of your Constitutional authority. Please fight against racism, wherever it may be found in the federal government, since ‘favoritism’ is the exact opposite of true justice. I urge you to reconsider your stance on abortion, since even unborn humans have eternal souls – and self-evident rights – that are worthy of protection. Further, please uphold the rights of all citizens to freely practice and share their beliefs, even if those beliefs are contrary to prevailing public opinion; religious freedom is worth protecting.
Third, we are a nation that claims to have trust in God. While there are many opinions about who God is, you and I both acknowledge the significance of the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God, and it contains the answers to the most vexing questions of life. Any time that you spend reading this book has the potential to pay rich dividends in how you lead this country. The Bible reveals the way to have relationship with God, and it tells us what is right and wrong in the sight of God. Remember to approach this book, not merely as another opinion, but as God’s actual Word, a book to be fully believed in everything that it says.
I look forward to seeing how you will be a president for all Americans, guiding us into unity; I am convinced that this is possible, as you lead our country forward in light of these three truths. Please know that I will pray for you and respect you as president; and may God bless the United States of America.

This is such a good and balanced letter! Your sincerity and respect is really evident. Thanks for sharing!