Italy, Part 2
During the 17th and 18th centuries, many young men went on a ‘Grand Tour,’ a journey through the heart of Europe to learn more about the history and culture of continent. Last year I did my own version of this, spending the better part of a month traveling through Italy with a friend. I’ve already documented the first half of my trip; here are some highlights from the remainder.

Responding to COVID in NYC
At the beginning of April, I travelled to New York City to assist a critically understaffed hospital in the coronavirus pandemic. It was an experience unlike any that I have ever had.

Italy, Part One
Last year, from June 9-28, I toured the great cities of Italy. It was a unique opportunity to visit the most famous places in world history. Along the way, I developed a deeper understanding of the ancient world, including the time of the New Testament.

Photo Recap of New England
As part of my studies, I recently took study tour with my school to New England to learn more about the rich religious heritage of early America. Here are a few pictures from the tour.

A Day in the Life of a Seminary Student
I thought I’d document one day in my life with some pictures, giving you a taste of a day in the life of a seminary student! Hope you enjoy!

Photo Recap of Mardi Gras Evangelism
I just returned from an evangelism outreach at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Today I’m sharing some pictures from this event as I share what we did.

Peru Trip Summary
I’ve been back for about two weeks now, and I’m excited to share with you about my latest trip: a journey to Peru. Not only did I have a great time with my sister and the Holloways (the missionary family…

Alaskan Ministry Trip
You may not have realized that I was gone for several weeks, since my sister was so kind as to post my most recent articles, but it’s true: I was gone for almost three weeks on an exciting ministry trip…

A Visit to Wittenberg
Happy Reformation Day! Today, 499 years ago, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. This action touched off a spiral of events that led to the Protestant Reformation – a movement that placed…

My Testimony
Shortly after I was born, both of my parents placed their hope in Jesus Christ and his sacrificial death on a cross. They previously professed to be Christians, but until then, they only had a form of godliness. As a…