The Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ

The Gospels record that Jesus chose twelve disciples to follow him and learn from him. We know much about some of these men, while others remain obscure.  Here are twelve men who changed the world: Simon – The most prominent…

The Marriage at Cana: Entrusting Our Problems to Jesus

The stresses, frustrations, and anxieties of your life are there for a reason. God gives them to you so that you would learn to entrust them to Jesus and have faith in his care for you. It’s a lesson that…

Five Ways that American Culture is Corroding Your Faith

American culture affects you in more ways than you know. Whether it’s the reductionism of modern evangelicalism or the ubiquity of electronics, it’s important be aware of the way that your faith is being shaped by cultures and subcultures of…

A Summary of Jacob's Life

Jacob, the child of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, was born as a twin with his brother Esau. As an unborn infant, he wrestled in the womb with his brother, and it was conflict with his brother that would define…

Martin Luther: A Reformation of Marriage and Family (Guest Post: Albin)

On October 31, 1517, a German monk named Martin Luther nailed 95 thesis to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. This document challenged the use of indulgences in ministry of the Catholic Church. The gospel message of full…

That You May Have Life: Addressing the Spiritual Reasons behind Unbelief

Do you have valid reasons why you don’t believe in Jesus? Perhaps you think so, or perhaps you know someone who thinks so. The Bible teaches that, despite many surface reasons why someone doesn’t believe, the real problem is spiritual….

God's Promised Reward for Our Smallest Deeds

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:1) There is not a single act of genuine Christian…

The Radical Inclusivity of Jesus' Grace

Jesus is willing to accept anyone. No one is beyond his grace. It is this shocking concept that scandalized the Pharisees, amazed the disciples, and continues to bring hope to millions. It does not matter how hopeless your life has…

How to Read Sacred Literature: Six Principles

If you lived one thousand years ago in medieval Europe, your experience of reading would be very different. Most likely, you couldn’t read – only one woman out of every hundred, and five or ten men out of every hundred,…