Living Sacrifices: God's Pattern for Christian Living

How does God want me to live? This is the question that Paul answers in Romans 12:1-2. It’s a watershed moment in the book of Romans. For eleven chapters, Paul has detailed the grandeur of God, the perversity of sin,…

One Church, All People: Biblical Truth about Diversity and Reconciliation - A Review

Postmodern thinking, critical theories, and racial strife are the new talking points, both in society and the church. Most recognize that there is racial tension in America, but few know how to solve it. What is needed is a biblical…

The Christian Duty of Self-Denial

Christ’s appeal to his disciples was austere and foreboding: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24).

God of Creation, God of Salvation

God of Creation, God of Salvation,Author of all that is gracious and kind;Praise to the Father, Praise to the Spirit,Praise to the Savior of all of mankind! Paradise blooming, Arctic winds blowing,Lit by auroras of midnight display;Tropics are warming, Ocean…

Watch Your Words!

According to Psychology Today, “The average person complains between 15-30 times each day.” How often do you feel the need to ‘vent’ to a friend? Are your conversations at work filled with gossip about your lazy colleague or mean boss?…

Timeline: Israel's Divided Kingdom

After spending months studying the books of First and Second Kings, I’m pleased to share with you a resource that I hope will be helpful for your own biblical study: a timeline of the divided kingdom. While you can view…