What Sort of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear

“Taking into consideration the trivial nature of men’s passions now, the softness of their mores, the extent of their education, the purity of their religion, their steady habits of patient work, and the restraint which they all show in the…

The Value of Play

One of the hallmarks of an effective and creative life is play. This unique idea comes from the book Essentialism, which advocates ‘the disciplined pursuit of less.’ It’s a great book, and I recommend that you read it, but right…

Prayer in Times of National Apostasy: The Theology of Prayer in the Books of the Kings (Part Two)

This is part two in an ongoing article about prayer in First and Second Kings. Be sure to check out part one as well! The Primacy of Prayer in the Books of the Kings The kingdoms of Israel were rocked…

Is Evangelism Optional?

Let’s face it: the Bible isn’t very direct in telling us that we need to share the gospel with other people. Sure, the Great Commission is a direct command, and Peter advises that we should always be ready to give…

Canteens and Cookstoves for Your Spiritual Life

Last year, hiking in Colorado, I had hours to meditate on the Christian life. Surrounded by mountains, meadows, and forests – and miles from civilization – I began to think about the daily routine of food. Since we were backing…

28 Hints for Gentlemen

I recently came across a Victorian-era manual of etiquette. The title is, “The Gentlemen’s Book of Etiquette and Manual of Politeness: Being a Complete Guide for a Gentleman’s Conduct in all his Relations Towards Society.” Written by Cecil Hartley in…