You need to pay attention, learn from, and be nourished primarily by the local congregation of Christians that you attend, under biblically qualified leadership.

Go out and see how you can encourage people to follow Jesus. It’s a valuable use of your time – and you’ll grow a lot along the way.

One way that we can protect ourselves from ‘fake faith’ is by examining true faith, dissecting it, and observing its component parts.

It’s hard enough to be a Christian businessman or godly mother, but how does one also have the time to pray fervently, study the Bible intensively, invest in the church intentionally, and share the Gospel effectively?

The Bible: The Foundational Document of Christianity. The Bible is the most logical place to begin describing Christianity. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God – a special message from God to all people everywhere! This does…

Where would you have learned about leadership if you lived in the Middle Ages? Perhaps you might have access to Gregory the Great’s Liber Regulae Pastoralis.

These are the six defining marks of totalitarianism: where the state becomes absolute and dictates every aspect of life.

Do you want to desire the things that God desires? One way that God answers this prayer is through his Word – revealing to us his intentions for our lives and for the world.

Peter does not present false teachers merely as men who teach mistruths about the Bible or God. To be sure, they are ‘false teachers,’ but he emphasizes their character qualities as much as, maybe even more than, their audible words….