Many people read the Bible, but from my experience, not many are engaged in Bible study. It’s the difference between walking through a gold field and picking up golden nuggets or buying some mining equipment and excavating the fabulous treasures…

How should Christians respond to Black Lives Matter, to mask mandates, to political controversy? How do we interact with those who disagree with us, and what do we do when our church takes a view that is different from our own?

While the specific cultural situations of the present are unlike the past, there is much that modern believers can learn from the past. One of the great instructors of evangelism must surely be Asahel Nettleton, the itinerant evangelist of the Second Great Awakening.

Four years ago, on the inauguration of President Trump, I penned An Open Letter to President Trump; this year, I continue the tradition with a similar letter to President Biden.

The Roman Empire had a profound effect on both Biblical history and world history. This short sketch provides the main contours.

I am convinced that few books are more powerful and life-changing than biographies. Biographies have a unique power to shape our view of the world and our idea of how to live life.

Jesus says that ‘one thing is needful.’ That ‘one thing’ is to sit at his feet, as a disciple (Luke 10:42).

My prayer for this website is that it would encourage you to deepen your relationship with God. This year I published a lot of new content for that purpose. As the year ends, now is a great time to look…

Benjamin Franklin once quipped, ““If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.”