The LORD is...

…the God who appeared (Genesis 35:1)…the God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments (Deuteronomy 7:9)…the God who is in Jerusalem (Ezra 1:3)…the God who works wonders (Psalm 77:14)…the God who pleads…

Guest Post: Good Dead Friends

Note: Enjoy this guest post by Elizabeth Clevenger! “What shall I say? A holy and good God has covered us with a dark cloud. … But my God lives; and he has my heart. … We are all given to…

He is Lord of All

“…preaching good news of peace through Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all)…” (Acts 10:36) Throughout the book of Acts, the gospel is proclaimed to both Jewish and non-Jewish audiences. While both audiences receive the same gospel, there is a…

Six Biblical Principles to Fight the Fear of Man

1 – The fear of man is a powerful force that harms you. Many people struggle with fear of man. It goes by many names: people-pleasing, co-dependency, peer pressure, etc. Although it is a common part of the human experience,…

Four Biblical Truths about Friendship

Friendship and community is an integral part of the Christian life. Unfortunately, like with all things, it is easy for us to ‘conformed to this world’ (Romans 12:2) and the pattern of friendship that it teaches. Biblical truth about this…

Learning to Trust God

The following is condensed and paraphrased from Richard Baxter’s “Christian Directory” – “Be greatly affected by the almighty power, wisdom, goodness, and faithfulness of God – and how certainly all persons, things and event are in his power. Consider how…

Once-in-a-lifetime Opportunities

Recently I’ve been thinking much about opportunities. Booker T. Washington said, “Opportunities never come a second time, nor do they wait for our leisure.” Recognizing that, I’ve started to consider how I live my life. > If opportunities only come…

Recreating as a Monotask

The fourth and final monotask that I want to highlight in this series (after worshipping, studying, and conversing) is ‘recreating.’ I’m referring to our recreation, the way that we ‘recharge’ emotionally, mentally, and relationally. We often think of recreation as…

How I Share the Gospel

One of the practical challenges of sharing the gospel with unbelievers is to present it in a way that makes sense. Christians often study the gospel and describe it in ways that are theologically precise and biblical, but not necessarily…

Guest Post: Godly Ambition: A Working Definition

This is a guest post by Elizabeth Clevenger. I trust that you will be blessed as you consider how you are pursuing godly ambition in your own life. That whole-hearted, full-body pursuitOf God’s kingdom and His righteousnessTo the greatest extent…