One day, I decided to answer the question: “What makes America different?” Do we have any distinctive viewpoints or characteristics that we can offer to the world? In other words, what makes America more than a place on the map?…

Whether you are an atheist, an agnostic, a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist, or anything else, the statement holds true: what you think about God determines who you are. Just by knowing your theology (beliefs about God), I know plenty…

The following is an excerpt from Martyn Lloyd-Jones in his lecture ‘Revival: An Historical and Theological Survey.’ It provides a simple and excellent answer to a question that many Christians are confused about. “It is an experience in the life…

One of the most prominent and under-noticed themes of the New Testament is thinking. From the Gospels to the Epistles, all people in general – and Christians in particular – are urged to use their minds, to think, and to…

Let’s face it: family devotions can be challenging. For beginners, the discipline of gathering as a family each day can be daunting; even those who have done it for a while may weary of the same routine. Fortunately, each family…

This article is an analysis of a famous painting titled ‘The Ambassadors’ that I created for a recent project. You can view the full painting by clicking here. The Ambassadors (Holbein, 1533) is a painting from the Renaissance period by…

One hundred years ago today, at 3:50 AM, thousands of British soldiers began to advance across hundreds of feet of no-mans-land. This was July 31, 1917, the first day of the great battle of Passchendaele (pronounced as PASSION-dale). The attack…

You may not have realized that I was gone for several weeks, since my sister was so kind as to post my most recent articles, but it’s true: I was gone for almost three weeks on an exciting ministry trip…

Hello readers! For some time, I’ve been working on designing my speaker’s page. Today, in place of a regular post, I wanted to let you know that I have finally published this page, so feel free to take a look…