“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For…

I have a very goal-oriented personality, and perhaps you do also. Now that may have its benefits, but it also has its problems. It may be enjoyable to strategize and work toward attaining goals, but sometimes the hardest thing to…

May 24, 1689 is an important date in the history of religious freedom. It marks the anniversary of the signing of the Toleration Act of 1689, which provided legal religious freedoms to many in Great Britain. I’ve begun to mark…

When he was still young, Thomas Halyburton’s family moved from Scotland in 1685 to avoid a bloody persecution, started by the British king, against all who did not attend the established church. These ‘covenanters’ were guilty of the ‘crime’ of…

Does Christianity entitle us to some sort of intellectual superiority over others? Some Christians seem to think so. They demonstrate a haughty approach to the unsaved world, but the early church demonstrated a very different approach. Consider the following five…

Two Committed Classes “As we have those among us whose motto is in deed and in truth, “All for Christ;” so we have a crowd of others who will know nothing of the Savior, who have turned their back on…

By Daniel Pentimone Four and a half stars Adoniram Judson on Christian Baptism, Audubon Press, copyright 2000. ISBN 0-9652883-6-6 [You can find a similar edition on Amazon here] The story of Adoniram Judson certainly glows as one of the brightest…

A certain Irishman was a complete agnostic, who believed only in materialism; he was a lawyer, but now he knew that he would die. His aunt, a Christian, had asked for Spencer, a minister of the Christian Gospel, to visit…

Almost the first mention of ‘The Day of the LORD’ comes from Isaiah 13:9: “Behold, the day of the LORD comes, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger, to make the land a desolation and to destroy its sinners from it.”…