The Digital Revolution is the newest economic revolution. Like the Industrial Revolution, the Digital Revolution marks a complete shift in our society, signals a new era, and alters many aspects of our lives. While not everyone is familiar with the…

America’s culture is awash in debt. From trillion-dollar government deficits to mounting credit-card loans, every aspect of society seems to be in over its head. Debt is ingrained in the American way of thinking – it is expected that you…

In 1776, the authors of the Declaration of Independence lifted their pens to write a famous and thought-provoking line: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with…

For some time I have thought about writing on the Syria conflict – a messy and bloody war that is as convoluted as it is heartbreaking. Now, following the Trump administration’s missile attacks, it is only more imperative that we…

Last week I had the privilege of sharing with you a guest post by my friend Dakota Lynch, titled ‘Blessed for a Purpose.’ (If you haven’t read this thought-provoking article on God’s gifts, be sure to check it out!) In…

Today I am pleased to feature a guest post by Dakota Lynch, a friend who loves to memorize Scripture and who blogs over at thefaithperspective.com. Enjoy this article, then be sure to check his site for more great writing! “Now…

The Biblical Theology of Work portrays labor as a noble, God-honoring task given to man. Viewing work only on this level, however, is superficial and misses the broader picture of work in its relationship to the Gospel of Jesus Christ….

The following narrative is an excerpt from a short booklet that I authored, titled ‘Victory in Death.’ Solomon said that it was better to go to the house of mourning than the house of feasting, because the wise will lay…

Those who see the needs in our society and feel called to meet them face a challenging question – what is the relationship between work and ministry? It is impossible to pin down an exact answer for every situation, but…