The Thessalonian epistles are a treasure-trove of biblical teaching on work. In the first epistle, Paul lays out his vision of the Christian life; in the second, he illustrates it. Click here to view part one – The Theology of…

Paul’s epistles carry on the thread of Biblical teaching. Throughout the Pauline corpus, work is seen as a special way to glorify God. This article does not address all of Paul’s thoughts on work, but it deals specifically with the…

This is a guest post by Lucy at SatisfiedByGrace.com. As the second half of a guest post exchange (last week she shared my article on Anxiety in the Christian Life), today Lucy describes for us the reality of God’s all-out generosity…

This week and next I am doing a guest post exchange over at Satisfied by Grace, a wonderful blog that challenges readers to rest in the truth that God is enough. Begin reading the article below, and be sure to follow…

I’m excited that my newest article is published, for the first time, in The Old Schoolhouse, a magazine for home educators that comes out yearly in print and quarterly online. In this article, I address four reasons why history is beneficial to…

No matter what the subject, Christians are interested in what Jesus had to say about it. Continuing on from the Old Testament’s teaching on work, we now delve into the New Testament for Christ’s profound comments. Click here to view…

Modern ‘scientific’ atheism, we are told, is not so much a belief system as a way of looking at the world without putting on the glasses of our culture. We are told that the entire world can be understood without…

Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. This is the starting premise of the book of Ecclesiastes. In the profound words an astute thinker, Ecclesiastes guides us toward an examination of the vanity and value of all things – including work….

When you first saw the title of this article, you probably assumed that it was written for or against Trump’s executive action on refugees. It is not. After that, you probably wondered whether there even was a Gothic refugee crisis,…