Seeking the Lord is the duty of every person. Today I would like to share with you some of my thoughts on seeking the Lord, along with several Biblical verses that point out our duty to seek after God. At…

Is work simply a means to creating prosperity, a task to be rushed through only for its benefits? Or is work part of the created order, a divine commission for man? “The Theology of Work” examines the Scriptural teaching and…

Dear Mr. President: To begin with, I want to congratulate you. Congratulations on your successful campaign and recent inauguration. As the new President of the United States of America, you bear an immense amount of responsibility. I want you to…

The kingdom of heaven is ‘suffering violence,’ and I hope that you are part of the reason. You see, Christians are not tame, mellow people. They fight, and they fight hard. Like a besieging army, they have determined to enter…

Welcome, Darwin, to your world. Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities unhindered by the impossible; a world of astonishing physical prosperity, social engineering, and utilitarian philosophy. Yes, this is your world: a world where we can make any choices…

Sometimes, a little story has a big lesson. In Luke 10:38-42, we are introduced to two women, sisters, who both desire to honor Jesus. Which woman do you resemble? Mary sits at Jesus’ Feet The first woman, Mary, “sat at…

“Look at the birds of the air,” Christ told his followers. “They neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Later He added, “Consider the…

The first request in the Lord’s prayer is, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed by your name” (Matthew 6:9). Evidently this is an important request. It is listed first. It is more important than ‘our daily bread.’ It is a prayer…

While 2016 certainly wasn’t ‘the worst year ever,’ it was filled with many disasters. At the same time, it was a landmark year, filled with some astonishing and unpredictable events. Here are five trends that defined 2016. Continuing Terrorism and…