You might think of journaling as a hobby for your nonexistent free time, and most likely, you’ve never even heard of commonplacing. For myself, these two activities are not just a hobby, but vital tools for my life. In fact,…

Is the gospel nothing more than a legal transaction in heaven, the details of a courtroom case played out before the Almighty, to be proclaimed in all the world? There is no doubt that this is the Gospel, and there…

My favorite part of the book ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ is the last chapter. Christian and Hopeful both crossed a wide river, symbolizing death. John Bunyan’s description of their approach to the Celestial City always sends tingles down my spine, since his…

You and I are gifted beyond comprehension to live in an age when so much information is available. Have you ever stopped to realize this? Never before has a generation had such a vast opportunity to learn, and I wonder…

The Great Famine Wearing a garment of hair and a leather belt, from the town of Tishbe in Gilead, a dramatic figure confronted Ahab the king of Israel. “As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand,”…

I knew it wouldn’t be good when my friend said he wanted to play with the chainsaw. Starting it up with a roar, he smiled as the tool vibrated in his hands. He started out carefully, cutting through some loose…

“Most admirable was the reasoning of a wild Greenlander, which he declared to a missionary to be the reasoning of his mind before his conversion; “It is true,” said he to him, “we were ignorant heathens, and knew nothing of…

The Bible has much to say about spiritual warfare. While it is impossible to summarize everything about this important topic, this infographic points out some key concepts. [email subscribers: this is an updated and corrected repost]