The CIA and the Apocrypha are similar. We know that both exist, and we know that both are important. But beyond this, most people don’t know much about either. We are in the dark, ignorant of, and perhaps a little…

The world is full of busy people – people who are pursuing success, and who do not have time to think about you or me. Pouring all their energy into career, goals, or pleasure, they hardly notice anyone or anything…

The death of Achan is one of the more gory tales of the Bible. The harsh punishment meted out, not only on the man, but also on his whole family, may seem at least primitive, if not excessive. But as…

In 1620, English settlers began an experiment with one of the most attractive and bewitching economic concepts known to society: public ownership. Today we know these settlers as ‘the pilgrims’ who founded Plymouth Colony, but at the time, they were…

The Guns of August, by Barbara W. Tuchman, copyright 1962. ISBN 978-0-38623-6, 640 pages, five stars. How could a seemingly civilized and settled world suddenly erupt into a bloody, four-year-long riot of mechanized massacre called the First World War? This…

Are you busy? Being busy is often a fault, and an easily overlooked one. I’m not saying this because I’ve attained equilibrium, serenely watching the rest of the world struggle with busyness. No, on the contrary, I am writing –…

1 Jehovah reigns, enthroned in heaven’s host, Let trembling seize the highlands and the coast. 2 In Zion’s streets his greatness is extolled, His ancient fame surpassing men of old. 3 That name, sublime in terror to address…

“Study to be convinced, that ye are by nature far from God, and in your walk and conversation, from that communion with Him that ye might attain unto, even while here. And if once ye were at that, you would…

What Bible passage contains a microevangelium? Don’t gloss over this question. It is essential if you plan to share the gospel. But first, what is a microevangelium? Confession: I made the word up. Just like the protoevangelium (proto = first,…