The Eighteenth Century: America
The eighteenth century, in America, was a period of significant development. It shaped the direction of the United States in a different trajectory from Europe, and that influence continues to the present.

The Death of Justice
Whether dressed in the black gown or the orange jumpsuit, and whether cheering the elephant or riding the donkey, many Americans agree that the judicial system needs to be reformed. Why? The great problem of the modern justice system is…

Aberrant Anthropology: Why Americans Adore Abolition
In their days, the Abolitionists were a despised minority. Slaveholders viewed them as radical revolutionaries, and many of their northern neighbors held the same view. Contrary to what we are taught today, the North was hardly a tolerant, color-blind society….

Seven Radical Changes in Our Generation
“I fear that we shall accept as wisdom what is only knowledge, and accept as progress things that are nothing more than change.” Never has this been more true than today. The world of today is radically different than it…

The Three ‘P’s of American Exceptionalism
One day, I decided to answer the question: “What makes America different?” Do we have any distinctive viewpoints or characteristics that we can offer to the world? In other words, what makes America more than a place on the map?…

The Role of the Government
Today, the US government provides us a vast range of services. You can get some sense of these services simply by looking at the number of departments: there are specific departments for housing, transportation, energy, education, commerce, veterans affairs, and…

Waterboarding: What Should We Think?
With a Republican president in office, the issue of waterboarding comes up…again. At this time, while Trump has indicated that he supports the use of waterboarding, he has also deferred to those who would be more directly over the program….

Video: The Act of Toleration of 1689
May 24, 1689 is an important date in the history of religious freedom. It marks the anniversary of the signing of the Toleration Act of 1689, which provided legal religious freedoms to many in Great Britain. I’ve begun to mark…

Living Debt-Free: A Biblical Pattern
America’s culture is awash in debt. From trillion-dollar government deficits to mounting credit-card loans, every aspect of society seems to be in over its head. Debt is ingrained in the American way of thinking – it is expected that you…

Socialized Medicine: What Should We Think?
In 1776, the authors of the Declaration of Independence lifted their pens to write a famous and thought-provoking line: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with…