Inexcusable: A Survey of Romans 2:1-29

Author’s note: This blog post is part of an ongoing series about the book of Romans. To see other Romans resources, click here. After blasting the gentile world for it’s crimes (in Romans 1:18-32), Paul now swivels the guns around…

Rooted: Developing True Community

You may have physical resources, health, a great job, and lot’s of other things going well for you, but community is an intangible form of wealth that many of us lack. American society is notoriously disconnected from those around us,…

Leighton on Purity of Life

“…That we may be the better provided for this useful, and altogether necessary exercise of cleansing our hearts and ways, and apply it with the greater vigour, let us dwell a little upon that sacred expression in the Psalms, Wherewithal…

Astronomy: God's Handiwork on Display

“Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads off from this world to another.” (Plato) The distance from earth to sun is more than 91 million miles. But because that number has a lot of zeros, astronomers measure that…

***Reminder: I’m giving away $50 of free books! If you haven’t already, subscribe and pass this on to your friends for more opportunities to win. Click HERE for further details*** On Obedience “O, when will Christians learn…that their puny, polluted…

Win Free Books!

Do you want to win some free books? I want to get them into your hands, because I believe that reading is powerful. It has the potential to change your life! On October 16, I’m going to hold a drawing,…

The Saints God Is Forming

Even if God is perfect, why is it that our Lord is so concerned with our internal purity? If our actions never harm anyone else, why does it matter to God what inner feelings we hold?