This is the final part in an ongoing article about prayer in First and Second Kings. Check out Part One, Part Two, and Part Three. The Power of Prayer in the Books of the Kings One thing is clear: the…

Here is the case for why vaccine mandates are wrong – and why you (vaccinated or not) should object loudly.

I write this blog because I want to serve you. But could you take a moment to help me? Just scroll down and answer the two simple questions below. Then, please leave a comment (or click HERE) to send me your…

We can’t change what happened in Afghanistan. But we can learn a lot of valuable lessons – and the future of our Republic demands that we learn.

Why is the Bible so hard to understand? If you’ve wondered this, you’re not alone. Here are some of the most difficult aspects of reading the Bible, as well as solutions to the problem. Bible Reading Challenges Without doubt, there…

“Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and called there on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God.” (Genesis 21:33)

The Pattern of Prayer in the Books of the Kings The thirteen prayers in the Books of the Kings are worthy of study, because they demonstrate the elements of effective prayer. If we want our prayers to be powerful, like…

Learning to make the ‘right decision’ in a situation is about far more than knowing a few simple maxims. It is, in some ways, the essence of wisdom: recognizing what is valuable and pursuing that value. As such, learning to…

Introduction The American church is in a battle for the Bible. Various factions aim to seize, brandish, and use the text of the Bible to advance their cause. To be sure, such Bibline warfare has been endemic through decades, even…