If you have benefitted from ‘From Daniel’s Desk,’ would you take just a moment to help me? This website exists to serve God’s people. It can only do that for the people who know about it. Would you help spread…

For those of us who like to dream, the most important question comes down to this: ‘what is the ultimate goal?’ Where are we heading in the grand arc of life? Are we prioritizing what is really important, in order to reach the goals that really matter?

In Psalm 119, the Word of God becomes the central apologetic of the pious life. ‘The Law of the LORD’ draws sinners to righteousness.

Perhaps it is time to pay attention to King David, one of the most effective ‘pray-ers’ in the Bible. These five petitions from the Hebrew monarch will challenge you in your prayer life and remind you of your most significant needs.

Trial, hardship, pain, and loss are universal aspects of human existence. We all experience them, but sometimes, we need encouragement along the way. These seven quotes will provide you with hope in the darkness.

It’s one of the most timely things I’ve read. Found in a book titled The Afflicted Man’s Companion, these words (written in Scotland in 1737) are immensely helpful for today.

I recently had the opportunity to read A Believer’s Last Day, His Best Day, by Thomas Brooks.This short book is the record of a sermon, preached by Brooks at the funeral of Mrs. Martha Randall in London in 1651.

We live in unprecedented times, and in the midst of chaos, we all need peace. This message will point you to the truth of God, to help you find peace in chaos.

None of us have experience in living under quarantine before, so we are all figuring out how to do it. The pace of life has slowed down, evenings are empty, and we have a lot more free time. How should…