You may not have a long commute, but if you spend any time driving, then podcasts are your friend. These three shows have stellar content and great quality.

Just how big is the mission of missions? What should we think about all these people? And how does the Great Commission fit with God’s original plan for human flourishing? All this and more in the debut episode of the season!

Devotion – sitting at the feet of Jesus, strengthening our relationship with Him – is not a gift for some disciples. It is a basic essential for all disciples. Everyone is called to it.

As the year ends, it’s time to take a look back over the past. Today I’m highlighting a few of the top posts from the past year.

What timber is for a sawmill, books are for your mind – raw material to inform your best ideas. Maybe some of these books will catch your interest as you compile a reading list for 2019.

On Monday, I asked you to take a short survey. I know, life gets busy. I feel that every day. Still, it won’t take long, and I’d appreciate if you could share your opinions with me.

If you have benefited from this website, could you do me a favor? Take just a moment to answer a ten-question survey. It won’t take long, and it will help me serve you better.

You are doing resolutions the wrong way. The same way I did for years. It isn’t working, but there is another way to make – and keep – your resolutions.

It might seem harmless enough – isn’t it selfless to give gifts to others? But holiday gift giving might be more dangerous than you realize!